READ The Circle of the Baal Shem Tov: Studies in Hasidism by Abraham Joshua Heschel phone shop full version ipad download

READ The Circle of the Baal Shem Tov: Studies in Hasidism by Abraham Joshua Heschel phone shop full version ipad download

READ The Circle of the Baal Shem Tov: Studies in Hasidism by Abraham Joshua Heschel phone shop full version ipad download

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Book description
Fascinating book. Some of the essays were first drafts that were not ready for publication, and therefore dont read smoothly. But some of the anecdotes and sources are so good that the book is still great. I loved learning about R Nachman Kosover, whose life seems to have foreshadowed the Kotzkers. For example a favorite byword of his was Pay no heed to the fathers! (al tifnu el haavot, a play on words referring to Leviticus 19:31), which reminded me of the story of the Kotzker. When his father was upset that he was becoming a chossid, he said zeh eli vanveihu, elokai avi varomimenu (a verse in Tanakh which means this is my God and I will glorify him, the God of my father and I will exalt him). First one must focus on his own relationship to God, and only secondary to that is ones family tradition.I also enjoyed learning about many interesting sources, including some articles by Heschel himself, that I now want to look up. These include Ramatayim Tzofim by R Shmuel of Shinav (Warsaw, 1882), which has many gems from R Simcha Bunim of Pshischa, and by Heschel: Toward an Understanding of Halakha in the Yearbook of the Central Conference of American Rabbis 63 (1953), Hasidism as a New Approach to Torah in Jewish Heritage 14, no. 3 (1972), Rabbi Nahman of Kosow, Companion of the Baal Shem Tov in the Harry A. Wolfson Jubilee Volume (1965), Reb Pinhas Koritzer in Yivo Bleter 33 (1949), In Search of Exaltation in Jewish Heritage 13 no. 3 (1971), The Two Great Traditions in Commentary 5 (1948), and Unknown Documents in the History of Hasidism in Yivo Bleter 36 (1952).
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