READ Tempted by Molly O'Keefe (Goodreads Author) epub online

READ Tempted by Molly O'Keefe (Goodreads Author) epub online

READ Tempted by Molly O'Keefe (Goodreads Author) epub online

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> ONLINE BOOK > Tempted


Book description

Book description
Book Two of the acclaimed INTO THE WILD series by two-time RITA-award winning and Bestselling author Molly OKeefe Denver, 1869 Annie Denoe has fought hard for her independence. She has a new life and new freedom as the assistant to a doctor, and though she risks both propriety and her safety, she is determined to be happy in a life on her own. Steven Baywood is trying to rebuild his shattered life, even though the ghosts of his harrowing stay in Andersonville prison still haunt him. He craves Annie and her quiet strength, but he cant give her the love she deserves. When a tragedy changes everything for Annie, can Steven find peace with his past in order to give Annie a future?
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