READ Sunshine and Her Big Blarney Smile! by Linda Hales (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

READ Sunshine and Her Big Blarney Smile! by Linda Hales (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

READ Sunshine and Her Big Blarney Smile! by Linda Hales (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

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Book description

Book description
Sunshine and Her Big Blarney Smile! is a cultural adaptation of Sunshine Ill Make You Smile! This particular little Sunshine resides in Ireland, in an ancient castle no less.Her mission in life is to put a smile on the face of every sad person she meets on the hillside and her great grand pappy is her very first challenge. But will she succeed? This charming little book tells the tale! This story contains a touch of cultural diversity in design and content so that little children everywhere will gain some appreciation that there really is a big wide world out there, so much grander than they ever imagined!
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