READ Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled by D.M. Murdock story offline online doc finder

READ Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled by D.M. Murdock story offline online doc finder

READ Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled by D.M. Murdock story offline online doc finder

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Book description
Informative, sometimes repetitive, but overall a grand compilation (considering how long it took to read it must be minute compared to how long it took to write it)Overall it was a rollercoaster that at points changed the way I see religion. At first it was unfortunate that we had lost the merely symbolic meaning of our stories of the celestial bodies and began worshipping them as gods and real people. Feeling as though (just giving an idea of how long ago)4,000-10,000 years ago we had much of the knowledge that weve only since regained in the last (1,000 years?) The age of the Earth, it being an orb as well as the Sun, the Moon needing the Sun to reflect, the heliocentricity of our galaxy, etc. I felt we could be so much farther scientifically and asked how they could lose such knowledge for so long. The section on Human Sacrifice made me glad that real or fake, the once and for all sacrifice was created to get people out of this barbaric way of thinking. Much later in the book I found the answer to the lost knowledge question with Mystery Cults. Brotherhoods that for some reason believed that common people couldnt comprehend the idea of religions being astrotheological. Then, it shed light on how the New Testament was intended to reveal these mysteries but having no other info, people took it allegorically. The cults were able to keep the secrets and it became about ruling the world with fear and profiting from it. By the conclusion, I was feeling like I shouldnt tolerate anyone believing in such nonsense because its holding all of us back from living the only life we have, but I dont wish to stoop to the same level and argue with them that they should not accept Christ. I dont believe we have the right to tell them not to. However, they have no right to have a belief be the inheritance of their children, rather than allowing them the freedom to come to their own conclusion. Evidently they dont have enough faith in their own belief to risk it.Four instead of five stars because of a few things. One being the continuous names of more like every Sun God plus the relating of Sun God A to Sun God C and Sun God E(who is an avatar of Sun God D) is a rehash of Sun God B, who would then also be the same as Sun God A and C. This was only one section of the book so it doesnt determine all. Second, the title of the book should be renamed to Suns of God: Krishna + Buddha = Christ. It goes over all three of them, but it always seems to have the focus on Jesus(or rather Christianity). By this I mean that after a point is made about one of the other gods(not only the ones listed) it quite frequently states that such and such predates Christianity by hundreds of years or a millennia, Christianity is not the original and of divine revelation as it claims to be, the bible is obviously not the Infallible Word of God. These are paraphrased, but it is often that the author seems to have an axe to grind about the Jesus part of the title. Even when talking about other characters stories and names, the focus always went to Jesus. I get that these characteristics were used to create him, but to have even the names constantly equated, it felt more like reading the origins of Christianity, when it had been about how All religions are astrotheological. Finally, when I got to the Human Sacrifice, I couldnt help but feel alleviated that the idea of a once and for all sacrifice was produced. I know (not sacrifices but rather mass murder over centuries) happened despite of it, but it bothers me that the author(until the end of the book) was more focused on how this religion was a hypocrite for telling followers in the Old Testament not to sacrifice their children and then having God sacrifice his only son. Yes, its hypocritical, but to me theres a much bigger picture there of what the world might be like if people still thought it mundane to sacrifice people and even eat them. Today we think of it as one of the worst acts you can do is to eat another person. Would it still be that way if they hadnt put forth the idea? Im not condoning the lives taken in the name of it, but taking the consideration of what it stopped.It might seem confusing about the star rating vs. the review, but I will assure you in that I was happy to have read it. Before this I read Zealot, which uses a Q source, which at the time made sense. Acharya had a bit on it here and suddenly it was obvious that just because these books have more similarities doesnt mean that they are any more truthful than the others. However, in light of what this book is about, it truly doesnt matter which is closer to the original fable.I am but a curious reader and wish no ill will to a scholar, I do not know these things as the author does. This is only my perspective.Reading this will give you a different perspective and that is always a great thing.
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