READ Stormtrooper Families: Homosexuality and Community in the Early Nazi Movement by Andrew Wackerfuss value text macbook online eng

READ Stormtrooper Families: Homosexuality and Community in the Early Nazi Movement by Andrew Wackerfuss value text macbook online eng

READ Stormtrooper Families: Homosexuality and Community in the Early Nazi Movement by Andrew Wackerfuss value text macbook online

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Book description
Based on extensive archival work, Stormtrooper Families combines stormtrooper personnel records, Nazi Party autobiographies, published and unpublished memoirs, personal letters, court records, and police-surveillance records to paint a picture of the stormtrooper movement as an organic product of its local community, its web of interpersonal relationships, and its intensely emotional internal struggles. Extensive analysis of Nazi-era media across the political spectrum shows how the public debate over homosexuality proved just as important to political outcomes as did the actual presence of homosexuals in fascist and antifascist politics.As children in the late-imperial period, the stormtroopers witnessed the first German debates over homosexuality and political life. As young adults, they verbally and physically battled over these definitions, bringing conflicts over homosexuality and masculinity into the center of Weimar Germanys most important political debates. Stormtrooper Families chronicles the stormtroopers personal, political, and sexual struggles to explain not only how individual gay men existed within the Nazi movement but also how the public meaning of homosexuality affected fascist and antifascist politics--a public controversy still alive today.
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