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READ Storm Applied by Sean T. Allen value tablet bookstore online touch

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Book description
Great book.And by great, I really mean great - without any doubt the best book on Storm you can get ATM (March 2015).Why its so good?1.) It doesnt waste time on irrelevant stuff or things you can easily find on the web (where to get Storm from, how to set up Vagrant, how to install Storm on 10 different linux distros or set JAVA_OPTS, etc.) - just important, core Storm stuff2.) Its not just API description: several tricky topics are described in detail: guarantees, resource contention (!), tuning (its not hard-core deep dive, but its fine enough), scaling topologies, etc.3.) It covers Trident (quite briefly, but enough to start development on your side)4.) I love the way its formatted (PDF version) -> plenty of high quality (in terms of being descriptive) diagrams does matter5.) Its pragmatic - good examples, architecture-related considerations & sensible comparisons to alternative solutions are all includedIve read this book several months ago (as MEAP) & Ive read it just now, because it has just been officially published. To be honest I didnt really need it now, because Ive already learned what I had to before, but I think it was definitely worth it.Why not 5 stars then? I believe it still can be better:* I was missing more complex example, with window-based aggregation* DSLs (but Trident) were not even mentioned - namely, Clojure one* Metrics feature deserves more loveI think 4.5 stars would be the most proper rating. Recommended.
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