READ Step Aside, Pops: A Hark! A Vagrant Collection by Kate Beaton sale price value ios online

READ Step Aside, Pops: A Hark! A Vagrant Collection by Kate Beaton sale price value ios online

READ Step Aside, Pops: A Hark! A Vagrant Collection by Kate Beaton sale price value ios online

> READ BOOK > Step Aside, Pops: A Hark! A Vagrant Collection

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Book description

Book description
The sequel to the hit comic collection Hark! a Vagrant, which appeared on best of lists from Time, NPR and USA Today; spent five months on the New York Times bestseller list; and won Harvey, Ignatz, and Doug Wright awards.Cartoonist Kate Beaton returns with all-new sidesplitting comics that showcase her irreverent love of history, pop culture, and literature. Collected from her wildly popular website, readers will guffaw over “Strong Female Characters,” the wicked yet chivalrous Black Prince, “Straw Feminists in the Closet,” and a disgruntled Heathcliff. Delight in what the internet has long known—Beaton’s humour is as sharp and dangerous as a velocipedestrienne, so watch out!
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