READ Staying Found: The Complete Map and Compass Handbook by Wallin Wendy bookshop value download online torrent

READ Staying Found: The Complete Map and Compass Handbook by Wallin Wendy bookshop value download online torrent

READ Staying Found: The Complete Map and Compass Handbook by Wallin Wendy bookshop value download online torrent

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Book description
Unlike the needlessly complicated and confusing teaching methods found in other books, Staying Founds system for learning map and compass use makes it easy to understand what youre doing and why. Author June Fleming takes you through the same steps she teaches in her wilderness classes, showing you the latest and simplest ways to plan routes and find your way over the trickiest terrain. Youll pick up practical skills and solutions to problems you may encounter, such as route-finding in poor visibility and adjusting for declination. Skiers and snowshoers will even find guidance for navigating on snow. Whether youre a beginner or a veteran of wilderness travel, Staying Found will point you in the right direction.
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