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Book description
While on a mission to ‘find herself’ at an Indian ashram, Shanti Rodriguez is abducted by a pair of alien brothers who sweep her off her feet, and then off the planet. Environmental activist, Shanti Rodriguez, has never fit in -- not in the alternative community in which she was raised or mainstream society. She retreats to an Indian ashram searching for enlightenment only to be stung by a scorpion. Certain shes dead, Shanti discovers three things: the sexy blue angel who whisks her away is really an alien; their destination isnt Heaven, its a spaceship; and she doesnt have just one alien to contend with -- there are two.  On their mission to find a soul mate on the forbidden planet known as Earth, twin brothers, Chen and Hsing, get more than they bargain for when they abduct the defiant human Shanti. She soon becomes the one thing they cannot live without. Their outer space adventure takes a turn for the worse when the brothers ship gets caught in the crossfires of war. To save themselves, their society, and the woman they love, Chen and Hsing will need to evade ruthless enemies and sneak back down to the forbidden planet, all while convincing the woman they cannot bear to part with that she is the mate to their souls’. Spirited Away is the first in a science fiction romance trilogy. If you like science fiction and erotic romance with a healthy dose of spiritual enlightenment, then you’ll love this fast-paced, intergalactic adventure full of hope, love, forgiveness, and redemption. Buy Ines Johnson’s Spirited Away today and find yourself swept up in an enlightening tale of alien abduction.
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