READ Sophia of Hanover: Mother of George I and Ancestor of the House of Windsor by Josephine N. Duggan iBooks online how read via how to

READ Sophia of Hanover: Mother of George I and Ancestor of the House of Windsor by Josephine N. Duggan iBooks online how read via how to

READ Sophia of Hanover: Mother of George I and Ancestor of the House of Windsor by Josephine N. Duggan iBooks online how read vi…

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Book description
The detailed memoirs and letters of a gifted and prolific chronicler provide an insiders view of life for the top echelons of society in the 16th century.Sophia, Electress of Hanover (1630--1714), granddaughter of James I, and mother of George I, is best remembered as the link between the Houses of Stuart and Hanover. A true European, Sophia spoke English, French, German, Dutch, and Italian fluently, and was open-minded and intellectually curious. Her writings cover an astonishing variety of subjects: religion, philosophy, international gossip, household hints, politics, and the details of her family life.
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