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READ Sisters by Rosalyn Wraight (Goodreads Author) free cheap book tablet value

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As always, another month has passed and it is time for another gathering of the Lesbian Adventure Club. This month the hosts are Alison and Janice which is especially fitting given what the women have been dealing with. There was an injunction hearing and Alison went to court to get a restraining order against her ex-girlfriend Lisa. Over the month the women of the group have given Alison as much support as they can and although Lisa has been silent, no one trusts that she is done. In order to trick Lisa, and keep their group meeting location secret, the story starts out with Kate, Susan, Laura, Janice and Ginny being quite stealthy, hiding their cars at various locations and creating diversions. When all the couples are finally together, what transpires isn’t the typical monthly adventure. For the first time, the women want to be the “Dykes Who Don’t Dare”. They want a fun weekend that is not overly competitive, to be able to relax and simply enjoy each other’s company. But what fun would that be? They begin by each woman writing down a worry onto a piece of paper that is then burned in the fire. Despite their worries, they each have a lot to be grateful for and the ceremony helps them see that. Then Alison and Janice reveal that the weekend will be filled with each woman getting to make one law that will last for an hour. And of course, there is a baby pink cowgirl hat with a silver star badge on the front to denote the current law maker. There will be no competition and the “beloved big-boobed bimbo babe” will remain with its current owners. What transpires is multiple rounds of Truth or Dare, jumps into the lake, overfilled hot tubs, crazy antics and bossy older sister rights. Unfortunately, the women quickly learn that Lisa knows where they are and it is suspected that she has broken the restraining order. All of the women band together to help protect Alison, especially detective Laura. She feels fiercely protective of the group of women, and holds herself personally responsible for making sure they are all safe. Laura is desperate to pin charges on Lisa to make it all stop so that Alison no longer has to be afraid. When some of Kate’s stuff is damaged or goes missing, Lisa’s stalking cuts very close to home and encroaches on their weekend. “Everything felt tainted to me … as though someone had spit on what was precious to us. I wanted to rewind the clock to yesterday in the cop shop parking lot. I wanted to start over, to do whatever necessary to keep what was ours untouched. I wanted Alison back. I wanted Janice back. I wanted to hold onto Claudia, tight. I wanted someone to stand up laughing and scream, “Got you, you b-words! We were only kidding!” I wanted it to be just another stupid game we made up, but it wasn’t.”In working together to protect one of their own, the women realize how strong they are and how dependent they have become on their group as a whole. They vow to remain family, sisters in every way, and to keep each couple together no matter what. Through the actions of an outsider trying to mess with one of the sisters, the bond between the women is further strengthened in every possible way. Sisters is a fabulous story about the relationships between each of the five couples as well as their bond as a group. Over time each couple has grown and changed, becoming stronger thanks to the relationships they have forged. There is a level of trust and love amongst the women that is evident through every story, most especially this one. I enjoy these characters so much, and know each time I pick up a new book that it will provide an adventure as well as a touching story about strong women. I enjoy following each of the couples but my personal favorites are Kate and Claudia as well as Laura and Holly. The love is so evident every time each couple is together and the friendship between the four of them is amazing to watch. These adventures are always filled with a wealth of humor, one of the many reasons why I enjoy them so much. I had to be careful not to laugh out loud on the train when reading about the “Crappie Cabin” and the “Celestial Symbiotic Slumber Chamber” lest I get strange looks from the other passengers. I always giggle at the use of “f-er” and “b-word” amongst the friends, each of which is either a “littermate” or a “crybaby”. And amongst the humor there are important life lessons such as, “when a naked woman is flying overhead preparing to cannonball, do not, under any circumstances, look up.” Who can possibly argue with that? I highly recommend this entire series for readers who enjoy adventure stories with wonderfully engaging characters. This story can be read on its own, but to fully enjoy and understand all the subtle references I encourage reading the stories in order. Scavengers, Ledge Walkers, Savages and Loose Sleuths are the first four books in the series and each is just as enjoyable as Sisters. What more can I possibly say about this series? Each addition is as good as the previous and is always an adventure. These characters have gone through so much and I hope Wraight continues the series for a while to come!
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