READ Sinners: Jesus and His Earliest Followers by Greg Carey text how download book selling mp3

READ Sinners: Jesus and His Earliest Followers by Greg Carey text how download book selling mp3

READ Sinners: Jesus and His Earliest Followers by Greg Carey text how download book selling mp3

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Book description
How did early Christians remember Jesus--and how did they develop their own Christian identities and communities? In this accessible and revelatory book, Greg Carey explores how transgression contributed to early Christian identity in the Gospels, Acts, Letters of Paul, and Revelation. Carey examines Jesus as a friend of sinners, challenger of purity laws, transgressor of conventional masculine values of his time, and convicted seditionist. He looks at early Christian communities as out of step with respectable practices of their time. Finally, he provides examples of contemporary Christians whose faith requires them to do the right thing, even when it means violating current definitions of respectability.
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