READ Shakespeares Imagery and What It Tells Us by Caroline Frances Eleanor Spurgeon value selling read itunes djvu

READ Shakespeares Imagery and What It Tells Us by Caroline Frances Eleanor Spurgeon value selling read itunes djvu

READ Shakespeares Imagery and What It Tells Us by Caroline Frances Eleanor Spurgeon value selling read itunes djvu

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Book description
Im one of those people that finds something mysteriously magical in the works of Shakespeare, yet, when I try to identify what the essence of this magic is, I am at a loss.This book helps me to see some of the reasons behind the uses of some words, in the orders, groupings, and clusters. It talks about the imagery of one extended metaphor being connected through the word choices, for example, in this passage from Macbeth he makes use of horse-riding imagery with spur, vaulting and the leaping and falling actions, which injects vividness and remarkableness: ...I have no spurTo prick the sides of my intent, but onlyVaulting ambition, which oerleaps itselfAnd falls on th other.And even the imagery of a whole play revolving around a particular topic or idea to express things, such as in Romeo and Juliet and the many uses of light and darkness, through personification and more, to express feelings and ideas: But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,Who is already sick and pale with griefThat thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!And also, when Romeo is about to poison himself, he speaks of all light in the world being extinguished.Spurgeon also talks about the possibilities of experience in Shakespeares life, what activities he mightve partaken in, and how we can speculate from the accuracy of his description. The reasoning is that by studying the uses of the words, it becomes clear how involved the writer was in the activities by how skillfully, and precisely to reality, hes able to manipulate them in his works. Its suggested that he had a much less lavish upbringing than a lot of his literary contemporaries, from his descriptions of a household that has many of the aspects of relatively lower-class living.It also talks briefly about the attack that was tossed by Robert Greene and the implication found in Johannes Factotum, or Jack of all trades, which suggests that he was a man of many endeavors and pursuits.The most intriguing or interesting aspect of this book, I find, is that it gives an insight into a land largely uncharted previously - that of Shakespeares mind - which continues to beckon, engross, mystify, delight, and always amaze me. In the duration of this exploration Mrs. Spurgeon has the wonder and excitement of someone who truly loves what they do, along with the insight of a person who knows what theyre doing too. The fact this book is somewhat a condensed seven or eight year study also gives reason to read this; you get so much information through the filter of someone who is extremely knowledgeable, and has thought a great deal about the things they speak of.
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