READ Sampler Workbook: Motifs and Patterns by Caroline Vincent tom portable german direct link online

READ Sampler Workbook: Motifs and Patterns by Caroline Vincent tom portable german direct link online

READ Sampler Workbook: Motifs and Patterns by Caroline Vincent tom portable german direct link online

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Book description
Sampler Workbook: Motifs and Patterns by Caroline VincentThis design sourcebook for contemporary samplers contains motifs and patterns based on reworked traditional and specially created designs for subjects including animals, birds, buildings, trees, flowers and border patterns. Patterns are included in graph form, and stitched examples are shown in accompanying photographs. A number of the motifs are described in step-by-step format and information about stitching techniques and threads is provided.The book is carefully tailored to be suitable for a variety of skill levels, and includes affordable domestic options as well as more ambitious and specialist techniques and materials for those with the resources, such as schools and established textile artists.
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