READ Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat by Patricia Reilly Giff francais ebook access online offline

READ Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat by Patricia Reilly Giff francais ebook access online offline

READ Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat by Patricia Reilly Giff francais ebook access online offline

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Book description
Two things, Mr. Spano told us. Try hard, and keep your eyes on the ball. The two things that are so important to anyone, child or adult, when learning to play the delicate art of baseball. Ronald Morgans excitement was soon shattered when he realized that once he couldnt actually hit the ball, he was considered a bad player. One faithful day though his dad helped him out and told him to open his eyes.The things that drew me into the book were the colorful pictures done by Susanna Natti and the moral to never give up, even when you know you should. The pictures drew me in because they were so realistic and we could see the book better than if we would have had to imagine them ourselves. The moral is what kept me drawn in. Its always inspiring to see the children find out how they are doing something wrong and they change it to make themselves better.
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