READ Radio Priest: Charles Coughlin, the Father of Hate Radio by Donald Warren txt ibooks iphone

READ Radio Priest: Charles Coughlin, the Father of Hate Radio by Donald Warren txt ibooks iphone

READ Radio Priest: Charles Coughlin, the Father of Hate Radio by Donald Warren txt ibooks iphone

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Book description
Although this book could have used a better editor, someone to help sculpt a stronger narrative out of mountains of research, this is a good introduction to a demagogue who used technology to spread bile and hate and managed to have a profound impact on the politics and times of his day. His right-wing populism and shifty denials of bigotry set the stage for everyone from Pat Robertson to Glenn Beck to insinuate their philosophies into the homes of millions.While this book does delve into the testy relationships between Coughlin and his ecclesiastical superiors, it doesnt go deeply enough into his impact on the opinions within the Catholic population. Certainly he had plenty of supporters but there were liberal Catholics who found his preaching anathema. Nevertheless, this book is a great example that shows that there is, indeed, nothing new under the sun.
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