READ Playing the Hand Youre Dealt by Trice Hickman italian kindle online eReader review

READ Playing the Hand Youre Dealt by Trice Hickman italian kindle online eReader review

READ Playing the Hand Youre Dealt by Trice Hickman italian kindle online eReader review

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Book description
Sometimes the simple truth is the hardest to face…From her old-fashioned name to her gentle nature, everyone in Emily Eloise Snow’s Atlanta, Georgia, hometown knows her as a sweet young woman who always does what’s right. That’s how her widowed mother raised her. But when Emily’s mother dies, her quiet life is shaken to its core, leaving her devastated—and ready for a fresh start. With the encouragement of her bolder, wilder best friend, Samantha, Emily moves to Washington, D.C. Samantha is sure D.C. will bring Emily her heart’s desire. But that’s exactly what Emily is afraid of…Since she was eighteen, Emily has fought a fierce longing even Samantha doesn’t know about—a love for a man that would break just about every rule she’s spent her life following. And each step closer to D.C. is a step closer to him—and a choice that could destroy not just her life as she knows it, but the image of the woman, and the friend, everyone believes her to be. Now, facing the ultimate test, only Emily can decide if the losses will be worth the gains...
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