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READ Playing The Game by Lisa B. Kamps (Goodreads Author) iphone kindle cheap free shop

READ Playing The Game by Lisa B. Kamps (Goodreads Author) iphone kindle cheap free shop

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Book description
Harland Day knows what its like to be on rock bottom: he was there once before, years ago when his mother walked out and left him behind. But he learned how to play the game and survived, crawling his way up with the help of a friend-turned-lover. This time is different: he has nobody to blame but himself for his trip to the bottom. His mouth, his attitude, his crappy play that landed him back in the minors instead of playing pro hockey with the Baltimore Banners. And this time, he doesnt have anyone to help him out, not when his own selfishness killed the most important relationship he ever had.Courtney Williams life isnt glamorous or full of fame and fortune but she doesnt need those things to be happy. She of all people knows there are more important things in life. And, for the most part, shes been able to forget what could have been--until Harland gets reassigned to the York Bombers and shows back up in town, full of attitude designed to hide the man underneath. But the arrogant hockey player cant hide from her, the one person who knows him better than anyone else. They had been friends. They had been lovers. And then they had been torn apart by misunderstanding and betrayal.But some ties are hard to break. Can they look past what had been and move forward to what could be? Or will the sins of the past haunt them even now, all these years later?
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