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READ Piero Della Francesca by Carlo Bertelli epub ibooks ipad

READ Piero Della Francesca by Carlo Bertelli epub ibooks ipad

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Book description
Piero della Francesca has long been admired as one of the greatest of all Renaissance painters. Much archival and technical work has been done concerning him and his work (including the restoration of his great fresco cycle in Arezzo and of many of his other paintings and frescoes). Carlo Bertelli, presents both a synthesis of recent documentary and scientific research and the reflections of his own lifetimes study of Pieros work. The book incorporates a full-scale biography of the artist, which locates Pieros work in relation to that of his contemporaries, and goes on to analyze each of his surviving paintings. It concludes with a full catalogue of his works, and is illustrated in colour throughout with reproductions of the newly restored panels and frescoes.
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