READ Our Eleanor: A Scrapbook Look at Eleanor Roosevelts Remarkable Life by Candace Fleming (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

READ Our Eleanor: A Scrapbook Look at Eleanor Roosevelts Remarkable Life by Candace Fleming (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

READ Our Eleanor: A Scrapbook Look at Eleanor Roosevelts Remarkable Life by Candace Fleming (Goodreads Author) eReader online read

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Book description
No matter how the question is answered, one thing is clear: There has hardly been a life in the last century that Eleanor Roosevelt has not affected, in one way or another. From securing safe, low-cost housing for Kentuckys poor, to helping her grandchildren hang a tire swing on the White Houses south lawn, to representing America as the first female delegate to the United Nations, Eleanor rarely kept a second of her life for herself -- and she wouldnt have had it any other way. In this stunning scrapbook biography, Candace Fleming, author of the acclaimed Ben Franklins Almanac, turns her keen eye to our nations premier First Lady. Filled with photographs of everything from Eleanors speech at the 1940 Democratic National Convention to her high school report card, as well as fascinating stories about life in and out of the White House, Our Eleanor gives us a remarkable perspective on a remarkable woman, and presents to a new generation an Eleanor to call its own.
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