READ Myron Cope: Double Yoi! by Myron Cope online full buy text how read

READ Myron Cope: Double Yoi! by Myron Cope online full buy text how read

READ Myron Cope: Double Yoi! by Myron Cope online full buy text how read

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Book description
From the time Myron Cope first put his mouth to the mike, he has been a sometimes controversial -- but always interesting -- figure in Pittsburgh. Famed for his raspy, non-radio voice, Cope has transcended mere broadcasting to become part of the Pittsburgh Steelers mythos and legacy to the city. Through the laugh-out-loud anecdotes and observations, Cope gives a very personal glimpse into the life of the man behind the microphone. He recounts the story of an editor who made him change his byline because it sounded too Jewish. He shares the reason behind his charity work for mentally disabled children -- his son Danny. And he dedicates a chapter to his late wife, who died after a long struggle with cancer. A different kind of sports book, this memoir doesnt detail Copes favorite sports moments. You wont find stats, scores and rosters. Instead, Cope shares his remarkable observations as a people-watcher and shows why he has connected with Pittsburgh audiences for decades.
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