READ My Name Is Aviva by LeslГ©a Newman (Goodreads Author) pc free original full link

READ My Name Is Aviva by LeslГ©a Newman (Goodreads Author) pc free original full link

READ My Name Is Aviva by LeslГ©a Newman (Goodreads Author) pc free original full link

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Book description
LeslГ©a Newman (born 1955, Brooklyn, NY) is the author of over 50 books including Heather Has Two Mommies, A Letter To Harvey Milk, Writing From The Heart, In Every Laugh a Tear, The Femme Mystique, Still Life with Buddy, Fat Chance and Out of the Closet and Nothing to Wear.She has received many literary awards including Poetry Fellowships from the Massachusetts Artists Fellowship Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, the Highlights for Children Fiction Writing Award, the James Baldwin Award for Cultural Achievement, and two Pushcart Prize Nominations. Nine of her books have been Lambda Literary Award finalists.Ms. Newman wrote Heather Has Two Mommies, the first childrens book to portray lesbian families in a positive way, and has followed up this pioneering work with several more childrens books on lesbian and gay families: Gloria Goes To Gay Pride, Belindas Bouquet, Too Far Away to Touch, and Saturday Is Pattyday.She is also the author of many books for adults that deal with lesbian identity, Jewish identity and the intersection and collision between the two. Other topics Ms. Newman explores include AIDS, eating disorders, butch/femme relationships and sexual abuse. Her award-winning short story, A Letter To Harvey Milk has been made into a film and adapted for the stage.In addition to being an author, Ms. Newman is a popular guest lecturer, and has spoken on college campuses across the country including Harvard University, Yale University, the University of Oregon, Bryn Mawr College, Smith College and the University of Judaism. From 2005-2009, LeslГ©a was a faculty member of the Stonecoast MFA program at the University of Southern Maine. Currently, she is the Poet Laureate of Northampton, MA.
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