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READ My Dads a Vampire by Barry Lowe (Goodreads Author) djvu price torrent apple online

READ My Dads a Vampire by Barry Lowe (Goodreads Author) djvu price torrent apple online

> READ BOOK > The Maiden Switch

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Book description
When English lady, Merianne Warren, trades places with her companion, Mary Luke, she never suspects that her friend will be kidnapped in her stead. Now she must convince her betrothed, Scottish Laird, Bryan Murray, that she is the servant and her friend, the lady in need of rescuing. Will this ruse save Mary or spell heartache for Merianne?The Maiden Switch is an action-filled romance set in the Scottish Highlands in 1533. This 77,000 word novel invokes timeless themes of friendship, family, and betrayal. Merianne must learn to respect her heritage and embrace her true self before she can repair her marriage and save her dearest friend.
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