READ Midori Days, Volume 3 by Kazurou Inoue online how to eng without registering eReader

READ Midori Days, Volume 3 by Kazurou Inoue online how to eng without registering eReader

READ Midori Days, Volume 3 by Kazurou Inoue online how to eng without registering eReader

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Book description
Kazurou Inoue (井上 和郎, Inoue Kazurō) is a Japanese mangaka.Born May 1, 1970, he received recognition for his manga Dream Security Mao (Dream Security マオ) at the 40th Rookie Comic Awards. After training under Kazuhiro Fujita, he published Heat Wave in Shōnen Sunday Super for a short while.He is most known for Midori no Hibi (美鳥の日々, Midori Days) series which was adapted into a 13 episodes anime series by the studio Pierrot.
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