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As the lines between advertising, news, and entertainment blur, the ideal of an informed citizenry becomes harder and harder to achieve. We, the American public, arent sure anymore what to believe, or where to put our money and trust. We know were being manipulated, misled, and outright lied to by those who seek our support. Whether it comes from advertisers, activists, or the government, the manipulation is constant and pervasive.Those who are supposed to help us understand the world and the problems we face frequently fail us. Journalists and the news media offer entertainment and sensationalism instead of significant information. Politicians and lawmakers who guide our country are little better; instead of real solutions, we are offered merely illusions of change.This hard-hitting critique of our media culture examines not only the ways in which we are deceived, but the medias role in propagating those deceptions. But Media Mythmakers goes beyond criticism to give concrete examples of the damage that manipulation of the news causes. From missing children to the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, from the efforts to end slavery to AIDS education, myths and deception in the media threaten us all. While the public is being misled, real problems go unaddressed and resources are wasted on misguided ideas.In an increasingly complex world, where accurate and unbiased information is more important than ever, this book provides a timely and much-needed analysis.
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