READ Math Games for Middle School: Challenges and Skill-Builders for Students at Every Level by Mario Salvadori iBooks portable prewiew online offline

READ Math Games for Middle School: Challenges and Skill-Builders for Students at Every Level by Mario Salvadori iBooks portable prewiew online offline

READ Math Games for Middle School: Challenges and Skill-Builders for Students at Every Level by Mario Salvadori iBooks portable

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Book description
From addition and subtraction to plane and space geometry, simultaneous linear equations, and probability, this book explains middle school math with problems that kids want to solve: “Seventy-five employees of a company buy a lotto ticket together and win $22.5 million. How much does each employee get?” Intriguing facts about the history of math show what a human creation it is, and human errors are revealed through explorations of both Maya and Hindu concepts of zero as well as Mr. William Shanks’ 1858 attempt at hand-calculating pi.
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