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READ Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species by Mark Elbroch access find acquire online buy

READ Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species by Mark Elbroch access find acquire online buy

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Book description
- 2003 National Outdoor Book Award Winner - Detailed track and trail data for 135 species with actual-size track illustrations in one section - Scat photos and data for dozens of animals The most thorough treatment of the subject ever published, this amazing guide brings together clear track and trail illustrations, range maps, and full-color photographs showing feeding signs, scat, tunnels, burrows, bedding areas, remains, and more, to give a wealth of information about hundreds of mammal species living in North America. How to find, identify, measure, and interpret the clues mammals leave behind--explained and illustrated like never before. Includes essays that contextualize tracking as a developing science continually garnering more interest and participation; included also are instructive anecdotes from the authors work as a tracker and wildlife expert. An invaluable resource for beginning or professional trackers and wildlife enthusiasts in all North American locations.
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