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READ Kicking Ashe by Pauline Baird Jones (Goodreads Author) kindle bookshop download direct link value

READ Kicking Ashe by Pauline Baird Jones (Goodreads Author) kindle bookshop download direct link value

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Book description
When you save Time’s tush—or its version of one—it ought to cut you a break, not kick your tush some where and some when. Though boo yah on providing a hot guy in leather to pull that tush out of the impact crater that Ashe so did not make despite the somewhat damning evidence to the contrary. So, the sitrep:.Shes stuck on primitive planet.Time Tracker suit down.Lurch (her nanite) unable to connect to any tech (see primitive above).Surrounded by a bunch of buccaneer types who haven’t been around nubile, young women cause its against their law.The one guy (Vidor Shan) she’d like to kiss on the mouth is off limits (time rule) .Someone gunning for Shan from somewhere in time.And, oh yeah, some really strange meteorites are making landfall in some very strange ways.Seems Time has a new hobby: kicking Ashe (and shame on It for doing it when she’s down). Not that she plans to stay down. Or give up the guy.
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