READ Kettlebells for Dummies by Sarah Lurie ebay download pc book look

READ Kettlebells for Dummies by Sarah Lurie ebay download pc book look

READ Kettlebells for Dummies by Sarah Lurie ebay download pc book look

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Book description
The way to a full-body workout with amazing results by mastering kettlebells Have you heard the buzz about the all-in-one strength and cardio workout that works every muscle in the body at once? Theres a reason why professional athletes and A-list celebrities are joining the Kettlebells revolution-and now you can, too!With numerous step-by-step photos throughout, Kettlebells For Dummies gives you everything you need to use kettlebells to safely improve strength, endurance, flexibility, joint durability, agility, mobility, athletic movement, and proper body alignment. Whether youre in your teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, 60s and beyond, youll discover how this fast-growing fitness phenomenon can boost your metabolism and help you lose weight by mastering numerous kettlebell exercises.One of the most effective workouts for burning fat, building lean muscle, and achieving core strength One-hour workout can burn as much as 1,000 calories Named one of the most popular fitness trends in 2009 Whether youre a self-proclaimed gym rat or have never lifted a weight, Kettlebells For Dummies shows you that its easy to use kettlebells to achieve a full-body workout that yields amazing results.
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