READ John Steinbeck; A Writers Lif by John Tessitore (Goodreads Author) german information ios free touch

READ John Steinbeck; A Writers Lif by John Tessitore (Goodreads Author) german information ios free touch

READ John Steinbeck; A Writers Lif by John Tessitore (Goodreads Author) german information ios free touch

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Book description
Yay for a bio on one of my fav authors. Short but informative, I learned JS was a social activist for Mexican laborers in CA, a peace ambassador for JFK and Johnson, and someone who knew how to take a vacation :) in between working his ass off. Rekindled my interest in all things Steinbeck. Will be rereading my fave East of Eden, as well as finally getting to Grapes of Wrath. Such a well-rounded good hard working man of the mid 20th century. Loved how this book touches on the stories and books by JS along with public review and response, often because JS spoke out against social injustice, which is never a popular topic.
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