READ John Ash: Cooking One on One : Private Lessons in Simple, Contemporary Food from a Master Teacher by John T. Ash free store eng pc online

READ John Ash: Cooking One on One : Private Lessons in Simple, Contemporary Food from a Master Teacher by John T. Ash free store eng pc online

READ John Ash: Cooking One on One : Private Lessons in Simple, Contemporary Food from a Master Teacher by John T. Ash free store

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Book description

Book description
There isnt much new or trendy in this book -- in fact, it has an oddly dated* feel, and I was surprised that it was published as recently as was the case. I guess Ashs style was set quite a while ago. However, his instructions are pretty solid and dont require too many hard to find ingredients or weird techniques or tools, so this is fairly accessible for someone with moderate cooking ability who wants to move to a bit higher-end dishes. Many of the descriptions sound oddly fruity, but Ive eaten at Ashs restaurant and the food was usually good, at least when he was there cooking or overseeing the preparation himself. And when he stuck to more European dishes. The times I recklessly tried Asian-inspired food there it was awful, like instant noodles drenched in mae ploy. *Remember when alternative salsas were so cool?
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