READ Jailhouse Doc: A Doctor in the County Jail by William Wright (Goodreads Author) book txt online

READ Jailhouse Doc: A Doctor in the County Jail by William Wright (Goodreads Author) book txt online

READ Jailhouse Doc: A Doctor in the County Jail by William Wright (Goodreads Author) book txt online

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Book description
Dr. William Wright gave up a suburban practice as an ear surgeon to become the doctor at Colorados maximum-security prison. After that, running a medical clinic at the county jail should be a snap, right? Oh, brother...Hoards of desperate people fresh from the streets, homeless addicts, illegal aliens, and gangbangers all ruled by a corrupt sheriff and his concubine sidekick made the supermax look almost pastoral.Told with humor and biting wit by the best-selling author of Maximum Insecurity, Jailhouse Doc follows Dr. Wright and his struggles with scamming inmates, corporate bureaucrats, and a sheriff who wants to be a doctor.Peek behind the bars at the operations of a city jail and the daily battles to deliver medical care to a population on the edge.
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