READ Its Only Me: The Ted Williams We Hardly Knew by John Underwood free kindle download amazon tom

READ Its Only Me: The Ted Williams We Hardly Knew by John Underwood free kindle download amazon tom

READ Its Only Me: The Ted Williams We Hardly Knew by John Underwood free kindle download amazon tom

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Book description
Not quite a biography, more of a second person memoir--IT’S ONLY ME is a selection of memories of conversations and interactions between the author and Ted Williams. Baseball is a part of the equation here. I don’t think it’s possible to talk about Ted without talking about baseball, but it is not the primary focus of this book. The focus is on the inner workings of the man that resulted in his public persona. On things that were important to him, Williams was an all-in kind of guy for better or worse. He devoted himself to perfection as a hitter and a fisherman, mastering the physical and mental aspects of each skill. The concept of fairness was central to his personality. Near the end of his career he walked into the owner’s office and demanded that his salary be cut. Ted thought that he had not performed as well as was appropriate for the salary he had been paid the previous season. Hitting was sacred to Ted. When in the chapel of the batter’s box Williams never questioned the umpire’s call, saying they both put their best efforts into it. Famously, in 1941, when he had the last .400 season recorded in major league baseball (finishing with a .406 average), he refused to take advantage of an offer by his manager to sit out a double header on the final day of the season and preserve his .400 average. To Ted, if he had not played those last two games it would not have been fair. The picture that emerges here is of a complex and focused man, who could be either a generous friend or a difficult foe, but who was seldom uncommitted. Underwood shows that Williams held himself and others to a high standard and his public actions resulted from having set the bar high. A good book for baseball fans and anyone else who would like to learn more about this American icon.
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