READ Groo: Friends and Foes Volume 2 by Sergio AragonГ©s shop read access flibusta information

READ Groo: Friends and Foes Volume 2 by Sergio AragonГ©s shop read access flibusta information

READ Groo: Friends and Foes Volume 2 by Sergio AragonГ©s shop read access flibusta information

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Book description
Well, this is still solid Groo, but it really became clear, especially with the chapter on the two warring queens, that every woman is either tall, extraordinarily stacked, and wearing basically a bikini, or are short, fat, and ugly. Most are the former. I know you dont necessarily read a comic book for many strong, feminist characters, but this just seemed like a boring, sexist trope. Oh well. I will read the last volume, because I really do want to know what is going to happen to the little girl looking for her father, but maybe the Groo series has lost its shine under a more critical eye.
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