READ Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, NRSV by Burton H. Throckmorton Jr. (Editor) selling online without signing buy СЃhapter

READ Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, NRSV by Burton H. Throckmorton Jr. (Editor) selling online without signing buy СЃhapter

READ Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, NRSV by Burton H. Throckmorton Jr. (Editor) selling online without

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Book description
In Walter Winks Introduction to the Christian Scriptures class at Union Theological Seminary in New York we were assigned the task of going through the four canonical gospels, magic markers in hand, noting the parallels that existed between two or more of the texts in the Revised Standard Version of the bible. A salutory exercise, it will convince you that the mainstream of biblical criticism is correct, that Mark, or something close to Mark, and some sort of lost collection of the sayings of Jesus were at hand when the authors of Luke and Matthew composed their gospels. If you havent done this for yourself already, then dont get Throckmorton--or at least dont open it.After you have dealt with the synoptic problem on your own, Throckmorton is a godsend as it portrays the results of your work in neat columns with helpful footnotes and reference to the other, very different, gospel, that of John.When you buy this book be sure to get the edition corresponding to your edition of the RSV, either the older RSV one we used or the New Revised Standard Version. Since its been decades now that this handy reference and study aid has been out, copies should be readily available in used book stores. I have probably purchased at least three as gifts in the last year.Other parallel gospels exist, including some that give John a (mostly blank) column. Throckmorton is, however, the most popular, most available and most helpful until youre ready to deal with Greek texts.
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