READ Gone Til November: A Journal of Rikers Island by Lil Wayne download acquire full version book no registration

READ Gone Til November: A Journal of Rikers Island by Lil Wayne download acquire full version book no registration

READ Gone Til November: A Journal of Rikers Island by Lil Wayne download acquire full version book no registration

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I feel like I should make a disclaimer—if youre not a hardcore, obsessive Lil Wayne fan, you might not enjoy his prison diary. He didnt write it for public consumption, so its literally just daily updates on what toxic junk food from the commissary he ate, or shows he watched, or things he joked about with fellow inmates while incarcerated. He doesnt get too deep or personal. Lucky for me, I AM a fanatic. This past year, I flew to another state to watch Wayne perform live not once, but twice—both times having to secure overnight babysitters and fly home the next morning. I have checked Google for updates about him on a daily basis, and prayed for him because of all he has going on. I have supported him however I can, like buying clothing from his Trukfit line. And Ive been counting down the days until this book was released. Ive been a fan of his since we were teenagers, during his Hot Boys days. We were both born in September of 82, and when I was a high schooler in the 90s, I liked Lil Wayne over NSYNC or Backstreet Boys. He was a natural progression after my crushes on Kris Kross (they disappeared) and Tupac (he died before I even hit puberty). Here was a rapper my age, who was of a small stature like me, just as my hormones were really starting to rev up. There was a period where I didnt listen to rap music as much, or anything on the radio, because I was too busy with things like college, or traveling for work. But then when I took some time off in 2010, thats when Drake and Nicki blew up, and I remembered.. Oh yeah, Lil Wayne. Love that guy. But my fandom was truly reignited in 2014, with the Christina Milian/Karrine Steffans/Dhea drama, and of course the falling out with Birdman. Its like every week theres a new crazy story about his harem members fighting over him, or his problems with his label, or people suing him. Of course this is why Wayne published his prison diary now, six years after the fact. Hes not able to put out or profit from the album fans have waited and waited for. This is to hold us over.Ive gotta say, I was worried it would be too depressing. I once spent a night in jail, and Ive never been able to talk about it at all. It was too traumatizing, the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I cant stand to even remember it, and that was just one night. But Wayne has infused this with his charisma, and a dark humor that is truly hilarious. He was the same Wayne in jail as he was on the YouTube Weezy Wednesdays. The book is not soul baring, but the crumbs he gives us are entertaining nonetheless, and I ate them up.Wayne shares his sadness at not being there for his kids. He hears his son say Da Da for the first time over the phone, while hes behind bars. He misses his daughter terribly, but doesnt want her to come visit him, or see him led away in shackles. He has guilt for being there, instead of with his kids. He also has a close relationship with his mom, which keeps him going during his time locked up. And I like that he sent the mothers of his children flowers for Mothers Day along with calling them. Never did he refer to them as baby mamas. He makes the most of his time, creating Doritos burritos and playing pranks, joking and talking with other inmates and COs. He prays, reads the bible, does push-ups, listens to slow jams and ESPN. He reads Anthony Keidis autobiography, Scar Tissue, which I now want to read (I love the Red Hot Chili Peppers). He reads fan mail, writes them back, and even calls several fans who send him phone numbers. He gets visits from celebs like Nicki Minaj, Drake, P Diddy, and Kanye West. And hes just a funny motherfucker, so there are some real gems in his daily scribbles.Dont expect an insightful literary memoir, like Orange Is The New Black (which I loved, although it was often upsetting to read). This is what it is, and for what it is, its great. Short and sweet, for the fans like me, who find themselves cackling at his interviews.
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