READ German For Dummies Audio Set by Edward Swick phone wiki free eReader book

READ German For Dummies Audio Set by Edward Swick phone wiki free eReader book

READ German For Dummies Audio Set by Edward Swick phone wiki free eReader book

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Book description
If you need to start speaking German Fast, but you dont have a lot of time to study the language, German For Dummies Audio Set is the quick-learning solution for you. These three sixty-minute CDs feature fast, focused instruction that gets you quickly up to speed on essential vocabulary and language structure. This practical, portable audio set is designed to help you learn to speak German in a hurry and with no fuss, whether youre at home or on the road. From basic greetings and expressions to grammar and conversations, youll grasp the essentials and start communicating right away! Plus, you can follow along with the handy 96-page portable guide. Its filled with words and phrases youll hear on the CD and also includes a mini dictionary. You can practice at your own pace and skip around to focus on immediate needs. Discover how to: Get started with basic words and phrases Handle greetings and introductions Form sentences and practice parts of speech Ask questions and understand the answers Build your own vocabulary Talk about numbers, time, and the calendar Handle real-world situations Ask for directions Get help at a hotel, the bank, a store Heading for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, or any other German speaking country? German For Dummies Audio Set is packed with all of the must-have expressions and phrases, you need to conduct business or have
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