READ Gallop!: A Scanimation Picture Book by Rufus Butler Seder read find phone selling value

READ Gallop!: A Scanimation Picture Book by Rufus Butler Seder read find phone selling value

READ Gallop!: A Scanimation Picture Book by Rufus Butler Seder read find phone selling value

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Book description
Seder, Rufus Butler, Gallop!, Workman Publications, 2007, 12 pgs, scanimation board book.Description: Using simple illustrations of animals overlaid with a sheet of striped acetate, Seder gives the animals an illusion of movement. Children are asked if they can move like the animals. Review: Infants and toddlers (and even adults) will delight in the way that the animals seem to move across the page in this book. Additionally, Gallop! encourages children to move around and mimic the movements on the page. This book would be especially effective at a library storytime, when a librarian could pause and ask all the children to imitate the animal movements. In this way, kids would learn kinesthetic skills needed to control their bodies. In a one-on-one setting, children will also enjoy moving the pages back and forth to see the animals movements. Even though the cardboard pages are covered with a layer of paper, they are resilient enough to hold up to rough handling.Professional Reviews: Publishers Weekly Starred Review (2007). Publishers Weekly, vol 254, no. 47, p. 52. This review focuses on the visual effect of the black-and-white images coupled with the boldly colored text. I agree that choice of coloring highlights the movement and makes it easy for children of all ages to focus on the story.Sellers, John (2007). The Book that Takes Off Running, Publishers Weekly, vol. 254, no. 42, p. 22. This review, also appearing in Publishers Weekly, focuses on the Scanimation technology used to make the images move and how this appeals to adults and children. It is true that the appeal of this book is mainly in the unique technology that it employs.
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