READ Foundations of Python Network Programming by John Goerzen (Goodreads Author) view spanish free francais itunes

READ Foundations of Python Network Programming by John Goerzen (Goodreads Author) view spanish free francais itunes

READ Foundations of Python Network Programming by John Goerzen (Goodreads Author) view spanish free francais itunes

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Book description
To guide readers through the new scripting language, Python, this book discusses every aspect of client and server programming. And as Python begins to replace Perl as a favorite programming language, this book will benefit scripters and serious application developers who want a feature-rich, yet simple language, for deploying their products.The text explains multitasking network servers using several models, including forking, threading, and non-blocking sockets. Furthermore, the extensive examples demonstrate important concepts and practices, and provide a cadre of fully-functioning stand alone programs. Readers may even use the provided examples as building blocks to create their own software.
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