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Book description
I came into this book expecting to find a step-by-step explanation of what exactly will happen during scrying. That did not happen. What I found instead was an open-ended trek through the many techniques and tricks that the author, other members of the Cor Aureum Project, and distinguished scryers of the past have used to great effect. This book made me want to drop everything and pick up my crystal, every time I started reading!Lots of information on the theories surrounding scrying, as well as the many options available (from types of stones/other speculum to choose from to methods for preparing the space, time, and mental focus needed) making this a book without dogma and a good place to start for newcomers. There were, however, two small snags for me that may or may not affect other readers. One is that this book really could have used more examples. Sometimes the author lost me in generalities, describing techniques or outcomes that could manifest in any number of ways for the individual. A little bit of Lets say that you were scrying and *this* happened... would have come in handy. As it was, some parts I read through several times to grasp it. The language isnt difficult--only the application.The other catch was the topic titles. Within each chapter, information was broken down into smaller groups by way of catchy titles. Unfortunately, for me, these titles were more groaners than wit, and some really cut the mood. Some examples: Discussing scrying as a means to become aware of ones subconscious and conscious responses to fear and desire--Peek-a-Boo...I See You; physical and spiritual/magical ways to clean and care for a crystal speculum--And What Is Your Favorite Toothpaste?; symbolic vs. literal visions and the meaning of placement within the crystal--Whos on First? I think you see what I mean here. I like books that take the subject seriously and dont feel the need to inject humor just to lighten the mood. I know lots of other people who like a softer approach, so joking around might not bother you at all. Despite those little issues, this is a great book for anyone whos ready to get started with scrying. The reader will feel inspired to start experimenting with any handy speculum, even the one the author once used for his students--a cut off 2 liter bottle base and water. Truly, scrying is for anyone, anywhere.
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