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READ Earth Defiant by Richard Fox (Goodreads Author) full how read without signing selling online

READ Earth Defiant by Richard Fox (Goodreads Author) full how read without signing selling online

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Book description
Fourth Home Run in a Row!In Earth Defiant, Richard Fox has hit (figuratively) his fourth consecutive home run. This fourth novel in the Ember War Saga is the best so far. Like the previous three novels, the action is almost non-stop. Battle follows battle, with short scenes examining possible motives interspersed. HOWEVER : some of the human characters, allied races, enemy races and mentors seem to have multiple motives, hidden motives or multiple goals.Fox does a very good job of making the reader guess what will happen next - at least he kept me wondering even after I finished this novel. I often read two space operas a day; within the genre there ARE common memes; yet the author must have stayed busy during his writing, mutating those memes into unexpected forms. So far, I found that very refreshing. I am not sure how far the series goes, but I look forward to following it to the end. Both this fourth novel AND the series to this point are Highly Recommended
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