READ Dreamy Cocoons: 6 Sacks & Caps to Crochet by Kim Kotary (Goodreads Author) free android audio selling djvu

READ Dreamy Cocoons: 6 Sacks & Caps to Crochet by Kim Kotary (Goodreads Author) free android audio selling djvu

READ Dreamy Cocoons: 6 Sacks & Caps to Crochet by Kim Kotary (Goodreads Author) free android audio selling djvu

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Book description
Dreamy Cocoons (Leisure Arts #5582) features six adorable crochet sacks to wrap that precious baby in the very essence of love! A soft cocoon, paired with a matching cap, beret, or hat, will keep a newborn to three-month-old infant cozy and comfy. The six designs range from truly simple to slightly more intricate, with a perfect pattern for every skill level. Six sets by Kim Kotary to crochet using medium weight yarn: Purple Textures, Orange Flower, Tan Plaid, Yellow Puffs, Ripples and Ruffles, and Blue Tunisian.
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