READ Deep Indigo by Cathryn Cade (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks

READ Deep Indigo by Cathryn Cade (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks

READ Deep Indigo by Cathryn Cade (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks

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Book description
When icy control meets loose laser cannon, the rules go up in flames. Orion, Book 4Commander Daron Navos. Renowned Indigon intuit, respected leader a man running from half of himself. He can control the mind of any creature in the galaxy, even lock his dark, human sexual needs behind a wall of icy self control. Until he meets a woman who tempts him into using his powers for seduction the lovely, innocent Nelah Cobalt.As Nelah s star rose with her burgeoning Indigon powers at university, she leapt at the chance to intern under Navos. But the hero of her fantasies fears her human half is too volatile to be trusted with the coveted position.When they are forced to combine powers to stop a sabotage attempt, their incredibly intimate mind-meld turns a simple case of post-battle attraction into a night of passion neither thought possible. And, as Navos teaches her to use her powers to heighten sensual pleasure, he finds she isn t the only Indigon with much to learn.Except it s clear someone is remotely using psychic powers to endanger the ship. Nelah may be the key, and Navos faces his greatest challenge ever loving the woman who may have to sacrifice herself to save The Orion.Warning: Spock-like hero who gives into temptation and uses intuitive powers for sexual satisfaction, heroine who is more than happy to submit to his sensual control, and ship full of space voyagers enjoying the waves of passion emanating from the powerful couple. Voyeurism shockingly included.
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