READ Cowboy Homecoming (Silhouette Desire, #964) by Pamela Ingrahm buy tom english download itunes

READ Cowboy Homecoming (Silhouette Desire, #964) by Pamela Ingrahm buy tom english download itunes

READ Cowboy Homecoming (Silhouette Desire, #964) by Pamela Ingrahm buy tom english download itunes

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Book description

Book description
MORE THAN A COWBOY...When Steve Williams went back to the old family ranch, he didnt expect to find a sultry blond stranger sitting at his kitchen table claiming the ranch was hers and telling him to get out. All Steve wanted was some solitude, but what he got was irresistible Tegan McReed, who was determined to put up a fight! Worse, they were stuck sharing his homestead until they could straighten out the mix-up.FATHER-TO-BE?And somehow sharing the house turned into sharing a bed--which very unexpectedly turned into sharing a baby ....
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