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READ Cosmopolitan: A Bartenders Life by Toby Cecchini kindle online bookshop without signing full version

READ Cosmopolitan: A Bartenders Life by Toby Cecchini kindle online bookshop without signing full version

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Book description
Cosmopolitan is a memoir of the bartending life structured as a day in the life of Passerby, the bar owned and run by Toby Cecchini. It is, as well, a rich study of human nature—of the outlandish behavior of the human animal under the influence of alcohol, of lust, and of the sheer desire to bust loose and party. As the typical day progresses, Cecchini muses over a life spent in the service industry and the fascinating particulars of his chosen profession. He is by turns witty, acute, mordant, and lyrical in dealing with the realities of his profession, shedding plenty of light on the hidden corners of what people do when they go out at night.
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