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READ Contra Keynes And Cambridge: Essays, Correspondence by Friedrich A. Hayek tablet access book sale value

READ Contra Keynes And Cambridge: Essays, Correspondence by Friedrich A. Hayek tablet access book sale value

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This book has a good introduction which is relatively even-handed, for a Liberty Fund publication. Caldwell captures the tension in England between Hayek and the Keynesians, while demonstrating apparent lack of animosity between the two men themselves. The book contains Hayeks ponderous prose spinning his tale of monetary excess and Keyness somewhat hyperventilated reaction, which really never resolves the issues between them. No doubt the Liberty Fund published these essays because they thought that Hayek won the debate; but in actual fact, Hayek fled England and the profession of economics after these years to the more comfortable confines of the University of Chicago Committee on Social Thought. Caldwell relates the successful trench warfare led by Joan Robinson which undermined Hayeks credibility with the young economists at LSE and led to Hayeks flight. Hayek had his moment of fame later when Mrs. Thatcher proclaimed that The Constitution of Liberty was what we believe. And it is this belief that led to unemployment in Britain going from 750,000 when Mrs. Thatcher was elected to four million after implementation of the Thatcher miracle. A fitting reminder of how wrong-headed was this strangest of all Nobel laureates in economics. Amazingly, the right wing still idolize the man, whose policy recommendations have proven to lead to economic disaster.
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