READ Claudia and Mean Janine by Ann M. Martin pdf ibooks ipad

READ Claudia and Mean Janine by Ann M. Martin pdf ibooks ipad

READ Claudia and Mean Janine by Ann M. Martin pdf ibooks ipad

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Book description
i wasnt crazy about this book when i was a kid, & i think i like it even less as an adult.first, our A plot: claudia has nothing in common with her older sister, janine. claudia dresses in wild outfits, janine wears kilts & button-downs. claudia hates school, while janine is studying to be a physicist (apparently). claudia has lots of friends & is always off on a babysitting job or art class, & janines best friend is a computer. the bottom line is that claudia feels insecure when she compares herself to janine, because she thinks shes not as smart & she worries that her parents prefer janine because she is more academically-inclined. when janine uses big words, it makes claudia feel dumb & she lashes out. meanwhile, janine is insecure because she thinks claudia is pretty & popular & that her parents would like her better if she were more social & fun, like claudia. typical sibling rivalry bullshit. janine isnt actually mean in this book at all. in fact, claudias the one who says some mean shit & should really pony up with the apologies.anyway, the girls get into an argument one night after dinner & it makes mimi, their grandmother, upset. she goes to bed early. then the girls hear her fall down. it turns out, she had a stroke. she spends a few days in the hospital & is released, but has lost a lot of motor skills & language. she has to do physical therapy to help regain use of her right arm, & occupational therapy to learn how to do things with her left hand. claudia drops out of the BSC morning playgroup to stay with mimi & drill her on language flash cards. the B plot is the dumbass BSC playgroup. the girls thought babysitting for all those kids in the run-up to kristys moms wedding was awesome & they should do a summer group babysitting project. NOOOOOOO! jenny prezzioso is one of the kids who comes to the playgroup & she wears frilly little dresses & throws tantrums & is a brat. even though book four established that the pirssiness & fancy dresses were pretty much all mrs. prezziosos idea & maybe jenny wasnt into it. karen convinces jenny that andrew is a monster, so when andrew tells jenny to wear a smock, she does. & the kids wash louise (the thomas family collie) & paint his claws & apparently french braid his fur (what? how?) so hell look appropriately fancy for watsons posh neighborhood. hijinks ensue.& theres also some crap where jamie newton is jealous of all the attention his baby sister, lucy, gets during her christening & almost dumps a pitcher of punch over her. which would have been HILARIOUS. i wish he would have followed through. claudia sees that jamie is just jealous of lucy & lucy cant help the attention she gets, & she realizes thats the same problem she has with janine. they talk & hug it out & confess their insecurities. turns out janine hides junk food in her room too. how do these girls not have eating disorders? hiding food is a classic symptom. anyway.wah wah (sad trombone). kind of a yawn. maybe i just wasnt into all the mimi/stroke stuff. it was a real bummer, especially knowing what comes in book #26.
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