READ Celt and Saxon: The Struggle for Britain, AD 410-937 by Peter Berresford Ellis how read iBooks book acquire access

READ Celt and Saxon: The Struggle for Britain, AD 410-937 by Peter Berresford Ellis how read iBooks book acquire access

READ Celt and Saxon: The Struggle for Britain, AD 410-937 by Peter Berresford Ellis how read iBooks book acquire access

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Book description
The author states in his introductory chapter that he does not claim to be objective, that he has a line to follow. When I first read the book in the earlier 1990s, the IRA were doing big bombings in Englands cities. Berresford Ellis was a self-promoted marxist IRA supporter, so I was hostile to his writing. Reading it again without all that in the background, or foreground, I could evaluate the book.Much of his research and emphasis is groundbreaking for the non-specialist reader. But he puts a somewhat slanted emphasis on those matters. For example, he mentions how King Oswald of Northumbria spoke fluent Irish with Bishop Aidan, described originally by Bede. He adds that three Saxon princes are mentioned in a famous Irish epic, one of them as Osalt. This in itself shows a different relationship between Celts and Saxons as usually portrayed, but Berresford Ellis is only interested in showing an intellectual superiority of Celts, in that the most powerful Anglian king was personally advised by St. Aidan.His general comparison between Celtic and Anglo-Saxon society is inaccurate. He states that Celtic women had more rights in social executive roles, which is historically true. But he takes this so far as to say there was no such role barred to Celtic women. That has to be incorrect, as the two highest positions High King and High Druid are recorded historically as masculine. His reference to Saxons liking music and sport sounded a bit like old descriptions of blacks.Not extensively annotated in the text by modern standards. An interesting read overall.
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