READ Captain Marvel, Vol. 3: Crazy Like a Fox by Peter David txt download free

READ Captain Marvel, Vol. 3: Crazy Like a Fox by Peter David txt download free

READ Captain Marvel, Vol. 3: Crazy Like a Fox by Peter David txt download free

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Book description

Book description
From the philosophical musings of the previous volume, to this one, a disappointment, to be sure.Whenever I read this title, I feel there are things happening off stage, things that are important, but never shown. Captain Marvel is basically a mass murderer, and nothing happens to him. He is rehabilitated, or at least we think he is, because he was immature. When he was god and re-created the universe, he created a universe where his mother was still alive. Then its all wine and roses. No retaliation or punishment for mass murder. Bizarre.One more volume of this run to go. This entire insanity plot has gone on long enough. Time to wrap it up and call it a day, PAD.
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