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Book description
Key Benefit: Campbell Essential Biology, Fourth Edition provides effective solutions to the challenges faced by readers.Three themes (relevance, process of science and evolution) found at the beginning, middle and end of every chapter give students a memorable framework to take with them into the future.One compelling topic anchors the three book themes in each chapter to emphasize how biology is highly relevant.The book and the media are designed from the ground up to teach biology to a wide range of readers.The new edition is designed to increase student participation and accountability.Campbell Essential Biology... Essential Solutions Key Topics: Introduction: Biology Today, Essential Chemistry for Biology, The Molecules of Life, A Tour of the Cell, The Working Cell, Cellular Respiration: Obtaining Energy from Food, Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food, Cellular Reproduction: Cells from Cells, Patterns of Inheritance, The Structure and Function of DNA, How Genes are Controlled, DNA Technology, How Populations Evolve, How Biological Diversity Evolves, The Evolution of Microbial Life, Plants, Fungi, and the Move onto Land, The Evolution of Animals, An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere, Population Ecology, Communities and EcosystemsMarket Description: Intended for those interested in learning the essentials of biology
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